Sponsorship for Podcast a Production

On your advertisement is permanent!

You read that right, it is not just while you are sponsoring and it doesn't change by the flavor of the week like Carbon or Google Ads.

Podcast sponsorship is a great way to reach a highly engaged audience of potential customers. By sponsoring a podcast, your company can be featured prominently in the pre-roll and mid-roll of a channel with over 16K subscribers, with the opportunity to reach a large number of viewers who are already interested in the topics your video is about.

Are you interested in reaching other web designers and developers?

We‘d love to help! Podcast is a weekly podcast that focuses on developer‘s backgrounds, tools and tips.

We aim to keep listeners up to date on the latest technology and best practices, along with guiding developers on their journey and helping them use tools in their everyday workflow.

Why do we make the podcast?

Alex and Brittney both have a passion for teaching and the Podcast podcast is an extension of that passion!

Alex created so that everyone has access to a great learning platform and a safe learning community. He has a primary background in web development and architecture.

Brittney joined Alex to complete the design of and then joined Podcast to give a designer turned developer‘s perspective to the discussion.

Where do we distribute the podcast?

Our podcast is very visual and interactive, so we first livestream to Twitch then the episodes receive a number for release and are released to all the below syndication platforms.

Image of Apple Podcasts logo Image of Spotify logo
Image of breaker logo Image of Google Podcasts logo Image of Overcast logo Image of Pocket Casts logo Image of Radio Public logo Image of Stitcher logo

Audience Breakdown

Age Range
Most listeners fall within this range.
Spotify Analytics
YouTube Analytics

Sponsoring is Purrfect for:

Web design and development tools, software and services
Teams looking to hire
Technical training material and courses
Technical software
Hardware products

Audience Interests:

Hard Skills

JavaScript frameworks (e.g. React, Angular, Vue, and Svelte)
CSS and CSS libraries like TailwindCSS
Backend Frameworks (e.g. NodeJs, Rust)
Cloud Solutions (e.g. AWS, GCP, Azure)
Lifestyle Products (e.g. keyboards, VSCode themes)

Soft Skills

How to get a job in tech
How to run a freelance business
How to start a podcast
How to change careers
Mental health and awareness


Single Show - $300 USD
3+ Shows - $250 USD
10+ Shows - $200 USD

* per show pricing, contact us to arrange for annual terms.

We have found that we get the best results for our advertisers when they sponsor at least three shows, Alex and Brittney are able to test out the product, and your marketing team approves both pre-roll and mid-roll videos.

As part of the sponsorship package, you‘ll receive:


A sponsorship section within the episode show notes, on our website.

These notes will be listed on Podcast permanently and within the user‘s podcatcher of choice (Apple, Spotify...). This is a great opportunity to include unique targeted links and promo codes! Podcast Sponsorship Image show logo.

A call-out in the pre-roll of the show.

The call-out will include the name of the company and slogan. Because we are a video podcast, there will also be an opportunity for your own branding to be included in the video. We highly suggest your marketing team creates the video with a voice-over from Brittney and Alex.


A 60-90 second sponsor spot mid-roll during the show.

We can provide a standard ad read provided by your marketing department. We have found that because we are a video podcast, this is a good time to showcase your product. We can also provide a personal experience aad that allows Alex and Brittney to demonstrate their own experience with your product.


An evergreen listing on the Podcast sponsors page.

This is a useful resource for listeners wanting to quickly reference a sponsor‘s offering, but are unable to recall which episode, coupon code, or link was used during the ad read.


Access to a password protected dashboard.

This will include easy access to all documents, including invoices and contracts.